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We love coffee, We love Queensland, We are proudly local, by supplying Blue Sky you are building the coffee conversation in Queensland. Lets make some sweet business together.


Blue Sky Supplies coffee to a select number of wholesale partners. We are very proud of our products and prefer to let our coffee do the talking, As such we want to set up every wholesale account right from the start and go above and beyond to not only supply coffee but provide a successful foundation for a long and fruitful business relationship. We supply Mazzer Robur Grinders and La Marzocco Espresso Machines as free on loan, this is a cornerstone of our business support scheme alongside working on developing a coffee program that works for each café, in its area. We love coffee, lets make a dreamteam and spread the good tastes around!


By serving Blue Sky you are building the coffee conversation in Queensland.

If you feel you have what it takes to become a Blue Sky supplier head on over to the ‘contact us’ page and throw us a line. our partnerships are based around finding accounts that share our love for amazing coffee experiences. Our philosophy: ‘no account too small’.


Our wholesale coffee program at a glance:

1. Support

Every account gets visited at least once a month, thats our policy. We like to check up, see how everything has been going, taste your coffee, talk to your baristas and see whats good in the hood. It’s not just about selling coffee it’s about running great coffee businesses. Selling coffee comes after creating well implemented coffee programs.

2. Knowledge

We provide free training to our accounts, every barista gets a foundation training session at the roastery with us. This will cover Barista Basics and Latte Art. This will facilitate basic cafe practice alongside putting them in the headspace that coffee is exciting! These modules lead open up advanced more in depth training that will become interlinked with our primary cafe support. Trainees are being introduced to an exciting new pathway with Blue Sky and your business together, providing the introduction and leading the way.

3. Great Coffee

Our blends, Midnight Oil and Razor blade are tailored to easy drinking experiences both black and in milk. They provide the perfect canvas for training baristas and they are both popular and easily likeable coffee for both fast paced espresso bars and sleepy suburban cafes. They both provide a brilliant foundation for the quality focused cafe creating a background for a wide array of speciality drinks. This coffee is your heavy hitter for getting new customers to come back.